Oak Park Two

612 Goldstream Avenue, Langford, BC

The second of a two-phase affordable housing project, Oak Park Two is an 80-unit, 4-storey affordable rental, currently under construction in partnership with Pacifica Housing Advisory Association, Atcorr Development Consulting, BC Housing and the Municipality of Langford. In addition to providing affordable rental, Oak Park Two delivers a 36-child affordable daycare located at grade to service Oak Park and neighboring families in partnership with Atira Women’s Resource Society (operator) and the Ministry of Child and Family Development. All combine, Oak Park is a testament in how TL can orchestrate complex deals with multiple stakeholders and benefits.


Langford, BC

Product Type

Affordable Rental & Child-Care


BC Housing (Community Housing Fund)
Ministry of Child and Family Development (Childcare BC New Spaces Fund)
Municipality of Langford (Fee Waivers)


Completed 2020

The Team

Pacifica Housing Advisory Association
BC Housing
Attcor Development Consulting
Atira Women’s Resourse Society
Ministry of Child and Family Development

Construction Timelapse

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