6488 Byrnepark Drive, Burnaby, BC
TLHS is working in partnership with M’akola Development Society (MDS) and M’akola Housing Society (MHS) on the development of a 130-unit affordable rental housing for indigenous individuals, families and seniors. The City of Burnaby is providing the land for this project by way of a long-term land lease with MHS, and has committed funding for pre-development and development costs through an Affordable Housing Grant. The project has committed funding from BC Housing through the Community Housing Fund, and will adhere to Step 4 of the BC Step Code. The project successfully layers the different design requirements of three levels of government; 19 units will be adaptable based on City of Burnaby requirements, 7 units will be accessible per BC Housing requirements, and all 130 units will be universal per CMHC requirements.
Burnaby, BC
Affordable Rental
BC Housing (Community Housing Fund)
Est. Completion Early 2026
M’akola Development Society (MDS)
M’akola Housing Society (MHS)